Poiesis is a non-acoustic sound composition.
A sequence of photographic images are presented to the listener in a book.
The listener is instructed at the beginning of the piece to “hear” the sound of the images. This sonification process mediates a relationship between the listener and the composer by instantiating the listener within the role of active participant and therefore relinquishing some yet not all compositional responsibility.
The listener is then welcomed into the role of conductor as they determine the pace, shape and overall heard content within their “Mind’s Ear”
Poiesis is informed by research into activating the neurocortex without sound.
The piece seeks to explore the possibilities of creating sound experiences in the absence of acoustic stimuli whilst at the same time playfully testing the parameters of “music” defined as organised sound.
The work asks a fundamental question in light of this research, if sound can be experienced without sound, then what is “sound” and where does it come from? If sound is or can be an internal process of the mind, then can one compose with these sounds, and if so how? Finally if one can organise sounds in this way to create music, what possibilities does this open up for the composer and what are the relationships between this form of music and traditional acoustic music?
Further Reading